
About the Journal

The scientific journal "Folia Iuridica Universitatis Wratislaviensis" has been published since 2012 (up to issue No. 3/2014 was published under the title "Folia Iuridica Wratislaviensis" ISSN 2299-8322). The thematic scope of the texts covers broadly understood issues in the field of public and private law as well as history and the theory of law.


Six-monthly Journal


The original version of the journal is an electronic edition.


ISSN 2450-3932


Review procedure

  • After aapproval by thematic editors and the Editorial Team, articles are sent to external reviewers;
  • Each article is reviewed by two independent reviewers from outside the scientific unit affiliated by the author of the publication;
  • There is a double-blind procedure;
  • The review must contain an unambiguous conclusion: allowing publication of the article, permitting on the condition of making changes to the article, rejecting publication of the article (formularz recenzji);
  • In the case of receiving one negative and one positive review, the article can be sent to a third reviewer and after receiving an acceptable or positive review published in a subsequent issue;
  • The author of an article that has received one negative review is required to respond in writing to the reviewer's comments and submit a revised article before sending it to a third reviewer;
  • Reviews (without the names of reviewers) are sent to the authors;
  • Authors are obliged within 14 days from the date of receiving the review to comment on the comments of the reviewers - by completing the appropriate statement accepting the review or providing a detailed response to the critic's comments - and send an amended article taking into account reviewers' comments;
  • The editorial board publish a list of reviewers once a year on the journal's website.
  • Downloads:
  • Review Form
  • Author’s Statement on complying with Reviewers’ instructions